JiuGui Liquor
Stock Code:000799.SZ
Stock Abbreviation:JIUGUIJIU
Company Name(Chinese):酒鬼酒股份有限有限公司
Company Name (English):JIUGUI LIQUOR CO., LTD.
Business Scope:Liquor Production and Sales
Category:Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Registered Address:Zhenwuying Village, Donghe Street, Jishou, Hunan Province, China
Office Address:JIUGUI Industrial Park, Zhenwuying Village, Jishou, Hunan Province, China
Chairman:MR.Wang Hao
General Manager:MR. Zheng Yi
Vice General Manager:MR.Wang Zhe, MR. Li Wensheng, MR.Teng Xinjian
Independent Non-Executive Directors:MR.Fu Zhengping , MS. Wang Yanru, MR. Zhang Xiaotao
Financial Controller:MR.Zhao Chunlei
Company Secretary:MR. Tang Zhenyu
Investor Relations and Public Relations:MR.Song Jiaqi
Tel:(852) 0731-88186030
Fax:(852) 0731-88186005
Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office:China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen branch
Principal Bankers:China Construction Bank
Agricultural Bank of China
Bank of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Pearman Hunan Siwei Law Firm & Pearman