Yashili International
Stock Code:01230.HK
Stock Abbreviation:YASHILI INT'L
Company Name(Chinese):雅士利国际控股有限公司
Company Name (English):Yashili International Holdings Ltd
Business Scope:Investment holding
Category:Food & Beverage
Registered Address:Cricket Square Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY1-1111 Cayman Islands
Office Address:13/F Nova Tower, No. 185 Yuexiu Road South, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 510057, The People’s Republic of China
Fax:+852 2845 1231
Chairman:Jeffrey, Minfang Lu
Major shareholders:China Mengniu International CompanyLimited, Danone Asia Baby Nutrition Pte. Ltd, Zhang International Investment Limited
Executive Directors:Chopin Zhang, Hua Li
Non-Executive Directors:Jeffrey, Minfang Lu, Qin Peng, Zhang Ping, Lam Pik Po Katty
Independent Non-Executive Directors:Mok Wai Bun Ben, Cheng Shoutai, Lee Kong Wai Conway
Company Secretary:Ho Siu Pik
Investor Relations and Public Relations:Board office
Fax:+852 2845 1231
Website: www.yashili.hk
Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office:Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Principal Bankers:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Hong Kong Branch
Bank of China, Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone Nansha Branch
Industrial Bank Co., Limited, Hong Kong Branch
Solicitor:As to Hong Kong law: Sullivan & Cromwell (Hong Kong) LLP
As to Cayman law: Conyers, Dill & Pearman